Tag Archive | Fitness

Achieving a Lower Resting Heart Rate


Exercising for health has always been a priority for me, since my father had open heart surgery, at the age of 49.  He underwent a quadruple by-pass. At the time I was 12 years old and it had such an impact on my life.  Not only did it change the way our family ate at home, but it awakened a passion in me. I was determined to learn more about the heart, its function and how to keep it strong, healthy and plaque-free.

As I got older life happened.  I began to put on weight and discovered that it was due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.  I have been battling the bulge ever since.  It is a constant source of aggravation for me, but one thing I  am determined to do is exercise, eat right and keep my fat intake to a minimum.

Stress plays an awful role on your visceral fat, and I have a tummy as evidence of that.  In those weak moments, chocolate becomes my comfort and then I head in a downward spiral.   Stress and Chocolate – these are things I need to overcome. *sigh

However, in spite of all that, and my battle with fat, I do try to keep a balanced exercise program and I am so happy with my results.  I am trying to achieve an excellent Resting Heart Rate. Today when I checked my weekly RHR status I realized I was on the cusp of that!  This is quite exciting for me and I hope to get there in the near future.

Heart health is a top priority for me. Without a strong and healthy heart I can expect Heart Disease and I am trying to beat the odds in our family.  Keep tabs on your heart by checking your RHR.  It is a good indicator of how strong your ticker is.


chart: https://www.belmarrahealth.com/resting-heart-rate-chart-factors-influence-heart-rate-elderly/

Beating the odds!

The Superbowl is over and what a game it was!  My husband, being a Patriot’s fan, was beginning to lose heart. The Falcons were crushing the Patriots, making it nearly impossible for them to recover, or even win.  Nevertheless, a most extraordinary game unfolded!  For the first time in Superbowl history it went into Overtime.  With baited breath my husband and I watched as the Patriots dug deep, and with focus and determination overcame the impossible.  We were astounded!

The Patriots had one goal in mind,  they wanted the victory.  Nothing was going to get them down. They were gonna fight hard, and fight to win. Inch by inch, line by line they got closer to their goal, and created a big upset for the opposing team.  It was incredible to watch.

In a similar way, those of us who are trying to lose weight, eat healthy and get fit, have setbacks that can throw us in a downward spiral.  Feeling defeated, they can stop us in our tracks and self-doubt can hold us back.  The task before us seems impossible to overcome and for many of us we give up.

Watching the Superbowl was encouraging, and there are valuable takeaways that can help us on our journey.

  1. When the mountain seems impossible, don’t give up, victory is just around the corner.
  2. Stay focused, keep your eye on the goal and run for it.
  3. Be determined! Fight hard, fight to win.
  4. Overcome ~ don’t let despair, self-doubt, or defeat get you down.  Remind yourself you can overcome.
  5. Take little steps ~ set small goals, win small victories, and the bigger goal will be within your grasp.

Today, as you bask in the epic game, bask in the victory that is within your reach!  Stay healthy, keep fit, and keep glowing!

Worth-It Wednesday!

Change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle and Worth it in the end!  Be kind and patient with yourself.  Creating a healthy lifestyle, making changes to lose weight and shape up takes time.  Setbacks happen, but keep pushing through…it will be Worth It!!








Today is Friday, and a good day to consider what you are going to FUEL your body with in order to keep it strong, healthy, alive and energetic.  Choose foods that are full of “life” and not “dead”.  Steer clear of processed foods that are devoid of nutrients and enjoy luscious fruit and vegetables packed with life giving energy.  Your body will love it and so will you when you have enough energy to enjoy the weekend.


Remember to put yourself first when it comes to your health.  No one is responsible for what you eat, or how much exercise you do.  YOU are IMPORTANT, and taking care of yourself today will benefit you in years to come.  Keep the promise you made to yourself to be the best you that you can be.  Oftentimes, we sacrifice our health and our needs for the needs of others.  When we give so much of ourselves we are left depleted of energy and no good to anyone.  Take charge of your life today.


Keep track of your food intake, weight, measurements and watch the progress you are making.  In times when you plateau, or don’t feel motivated you can look at how far you have come.  It’s a great motivator to see that you have accomplished much.   A good perspective is to recognize that your body is transforming and rejuvenating daily.  Old cells are being replaced by new ones constantly.  E.g. Skin replaces itself approximately every 27 days.  So even if you aren’t losing a ton of weight, you are eating healthy and making your skin look great.  Get your glow on!!


Nurture your mind with great thoughts!  All too often we feed our minds with negative thoughts.  These negative thoughts can have a direct effect on how we feel about ourselves and how we act.  Instead, replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.  Encourage yourself and cheer yourself on.  You are special, you are loved, you were created for a divine purpose.


Take time out of your day to EXERCISE.  Not only does it enhance your mood by flooding your body with “endorphins” (those feel good hormones), it helps drain your lymphatic system from toxins.  Your heart gets stronger, your muscles develop and you feel great.  Keep track of your resting heart rate and see it improve over time.  Check online to see where your RHR is now and aim for Good, Excellent, and even for Athlete.


When you get out of bed in the morning stretch.  Get those muscles limber.  Stretch before and after working out.  The more you stretch the more flexible you will be, and the less injury you will sustain to your muscles.  It only takes a few minutes, but it is well worth it.


Try to get a good SLEEP.  We have all heard that sleep is important to our overall well- being, but it is oftentimes hard to achieve.  Sleeping will give our bodies a chance to renew and refresh us.  Choose foods high in tryptophan for your evening meal as it is known to induce a calming effect, and make you feel sleepy.

Have a terrific weekend!  Stay focused, have fun, aim to be a Fitter you!


‘Twas the Night before Christmas ~ Healthy style

This little gem of a story keeps us focused on health as we creep closer to Christmas and enjoy the many celebrations during the holidays.

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Everyone was exercising even the mouse
The dumbbells were stacked all in a row
Arranged in order from heavy to low

The children were skipping, with bright smiling faces
Creating natural endorphins with all of their paces
Mamma was on the treadmill, favorite song playing loud
Papa was on the spin bike, looking at his family so proud

When out on the lawn they heard such a wheeze
The family peeked out and there on his knees
Was an out of breath Santa who looked quite a mess
An overhanging belly and a face filled with stress

Many seasons of cookies had taken their toll
Not to mention the treats from the North Pole
Too much worry and not enough rest
Had left Santa a wreck, not at his best

No shortbread!, No oatmeal!, No brownies or cake!
How much more can my arteries take?
He pled without breath and asked for a chair
They obliged with a smile, hearts filled with care

“But Santa”, said the youngest, “you can say no”
“Or ask for fruit and veggies or eat paleo”
“Walk when you can and get lots of sleep”
“Try a hike up a hill, it’s fun when it’s steep”

“Don’t work so hard and laugh with your wife”
“That dear Santa is how to have a healthier life”
Santa was amazed at the child’s wise thoughts
He handed her toys, the ones that he brought

But what to his wondering eyes should he see
Toys meant for playing, toys for activity
a Football, a bike, a pink yoga mat
A kite, some sneakers, a wooden baseball bat

The family understood just how to be happy
Be active, play outside and just the occasional taffy
Moderation they knew was certainly key
Santa felt changed, he was finally free

He composed himself, ate a carrot or two
Enjoyed his short break, he had a job to do
He must tell the world, the importance of health
It’s not just about toys, excess or wealth

Up into the sky he went on his sleigh
To spread the message of health by the end of the day
At each house he left an extra item to share
A jump rope, a TRX, an exercise ball chair

The cookies he left untouched on the plate
It was time for Dear Santa to change his fate
He left a courteous note explaining his ways
That we need to do better during the holidays

Finishing his job he felt so much joy
Having helped change the fate of each girl and boy
He went home that night to tell the north pole
The new focus on health for the world as a whole.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays


Project You

My home is nearly 30 years old.  I can’t imagine that I have lived in the same house for that length of time. Most of my friends have moved several times, but my husband and I have remained here and raised our three children in it.

With age, the house has needed some repairs, as well as some major renovations in the bathrooms and kitchen.  Windows and roof shingles have all be replaced, as well as, the water heater and furnace.

While flooring has been changed in most rooms, the ceramic tile in the kitchen, bathroom and along the hall is showing it’s age and needs some attending to.  Come to think of it the walls could use a fresh coat of paint, our deck outside could use a face lift and I can think of a list of repairs that need attention.

Being a homeowner means that there will always be projects around the house to keep it in good repair and functioning well.  If I neglect it, the results would be disastrous.

Our bodies, are just like our homes.  We need to keep them in good repair and functioning well.  If we neglect eating well, exercising or getting our proper sleep we are doing a disservice to ourselves.  There are going to be times that we don’t follow through with proper maintenance due to the busyness, stress, celebrations, vacations etc. and that’s ok!  However, if we understand the need to work on those areas and get back on track we will be able to live healthier lives as we age.

The next time you look in the mirror, or reach for little treat remember that you are an ongoing project and it’s vitally important, for your health’s sake, to keep working on you.  You are a work in progress; upgrade, maintain and renovate.  Be good to yourself and love your body.

me project

Get shapely with your food!

Why not kick your food up a notch and add some shape to it!

Since we’re celebrating “love” for the month of February grab your cookie cutters and start cutting your food into fun shapes. I will be focusing on heart shapes as, it represents love and life.   If you have kids or grand children I am sure they would love to help you out.  Enjoy it and have some fun!

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Think Red!

love month2

February is the month of Love!  The flavor of the month is chocolate.  The color of the month is Red, and the shape of the month is a heart!

With that in mind I want to turn it into a month of positive healthy experiences.

The first thing on the list is Love.  Oftentimes when we are trying to lose weight or eat healthy we can be very critical with ourselves.  The weight isn’t coming off quickly enough! The bulges are everywhere! My upper thighs look like cottage cheese!  I’ve got too many wrinkles!  My skin is sagging!  I am ugly!  I don’t like what I see in the mirror. etc. etc.  It’s a great month to put the negative self-talk away and replace it with positive affirmations.  It’s time to pamper yourself and have some “me” timeLove the skin you’re in and appreciate all that you are.  It’s time to give yourself a big hug, and a pat on the back. It’s time to praise yourself for staying on track, for choosing healthy foods, for making positive changes in your life.  Be your own cheerleader and love yourself.


The second thing on the list is chocolate.  The smell of chocolate is in the air.  Replace milk chocolate for dark chocolate.  It is a good option to turn to when you get a craving to have some. It is low in sugar and high in cocoa. Dark chocolate is good for dry skin and erases small wrinkles and fine lines.  It shields against harmful UV rays and adds shine to your hair.  The other option is carob. The polyphenols in it are powerful antioxidants and it lowers cholesterol. It is a natural raw food that is used as a substitute for chocolate in baking and in chocolate beverages.

The third thing is Red.  We have a myriad of fruits and vegetables that are Red.  For the month of February “THINK RED” .  Eat red grapes, apples, pomegranates, red grapefruit, red berries (strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, cherries) red cabbage, radishes, beetroot, red onions, red kidney beans, tomatoes, etc.  These are all healthy and are full of antioxidants.


The fourth thing is the shape of a heart. Love your heart! Concentrate on foods that “heart-healthy”.  Whole grains, (oatmeal) beans, legumes, fatty fish (salmon, tuna), flaxseeds, nuts and teas (flavonoids).

There are lots of ways to stay motivated this month, these are just a few ways that will keep me on track. Live simply, love yourself, love others.




How much food should I really be eating?

When it comes to portion size, I find it difficult to know how much food I am actually consuming or serving up at home.

Restaurants tend to serve oversized portions of food so I usually divide my plate in half and only eat one portion of it.  However, if I can visualize portion sizes it is easier to control my food intake.

Here is an easy way to eyeball your food with everyday items:

facts-about-serving-sizes529995426-sep-2-2012-1-600x400                            portioncontrol_pancake2_lg

Baseball = Medium piece of fruit; 1 cup of salad greens

Tennis ball = 1 cup (250ml) of rice, pasta or ice cream

Golf ball = 2 tbsp.(30ml) of peanut butter, jam or salad dressing

Dice ~ 1 Dice = 1 tsp. (5ml) of butter

food portion visual2

Computer Mouse = 1 baked potato

3 Dice = 1oz (30g) of cheese

CD = the diameter of a pancake

Dental Floss Container = 1oz (30g) of chocolate

Large Egg = ¼ cup of raisins, dried fruit

Checkbook = 3oz of baked/grilled fish

Light bulb = 1 slice of pie

Another way to visualize the food portions is to use your hand:  here is a neat diagram to show you the proper portion size.

food portion with hand

Pedal exercisers, fun for all ages!

Pedal exercisers, are fun for all ages.  If you’ve been stuck behind a desk all day, or have kids who play video games a lot, pedal exercisers are a great investment.  These little portable exercisers fit under your desk at work or home so you can pedal at your leisure.

I first discovered them when my Mum was having difficulty with exercising, due to severe arthritis and fibromyalgia pain.  It was and is affecting her daily life.  While walking and light weight lifting is the best option for her, there are days when she’s suffering so much she can’t move well.

Knowing the value of exercise, and how weak her muscles would become if she didn’t move I decided to do some research on exercise equipment.   I wanted something that would give her a low impact workout and still keep muscles toned, circulation moving, and heart exercised.  The solution was the pedal exerciser.

The beautiful thing about this is she can pedal in the comfort of her own home, while sitting in her chair. She can pedal while talking on the phone, watching tv, reading a book or doing some knitting.  When she is done using them she can tuck it away under her chair.

The pedals can also be used for upper arm workouts.  She places them on top of her table and is able to tone her arms.

My kids were fighting over them every time we went to her house, so I decided to purchase a pair for our home. (and we already have two exercise bikes),  However, when my kids are playing video games or watching television or just chatting with me in the family room, they grab them and pedal away.

This has been a good investment for my mum to help her to keep moving, and it’s been a good addition to our home.  There are a few different kinds available, but if you have no room for a exercise bike or want to have one at work under your desk these a good option and are reasonably priced.

pedals2pedal exerciser2

It’s such a simple item, but has a big impact on overall health.