Archive | August 2014

28 years of Marriage and still very much in love!

The month of August always holds a special time for me since it is the Month that I married the man of my dreams.  I can still remember the excitement of that day and the joy of hearing ” I pronounce you man and wife, what God has joined together let no man put asunder”  I was now a “Mrs”, married and ready to start a new life with my husband.

Looking back at our years together we have had some wonderfully awesome times and some very sad times.  The awesome times drew us close together as we shared the joy of each experience along the way.  The sad times drew us even closer together as we leaned on each other for support.

One of the most difficult experiences and the saddest that we have endured has been a pregnancy loss.  I was expecting Triplets,and we were all very excited.  Big sister was so very happy too.  However, I went into early labor and delivered at 31 weeks.  One of our little pumpkins was stillborn.  He was 2lbs 8oz. and our other two boys were just over 3lbs.   This was a very bittersweet and difficult time for us, but I thank God that He sustained us during this time. After a month of being in NICU we were able to bring our babies home.  

I don’t really remember those first few months, they were quite a blur to me.  I know that the searing pain of loss lingered for a very long time.  When I was starting to get into routine with the boys and life seemed to be looking a little brighter my dear father suddenly passed away.  It took another devastating toll on us all.  My Dad was a twin, and he was so looking forward to spending time with his grandsons but it came to a sudden halt.  Our daughter who had been very close to her “Papa” took it quite hard.

But, joy comes in the morning and we have had so many joyous times since those dark days with all of our children and with extended family members.  Vacations, birthdays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter Holidays.  We’ve had so many wonderful times and great memories.  We’ve watched our children grow up before our eyes.  We’ve sent our daughter off to University and watched our boys enter High school.  

We’ve packed alot into our 28 years and we are grateful for the blessing of our marriage.  We are best friends and don’t take a day for granted.  The best compliment that we got was from our daughter who stated that she wanted a marriage just like ours.  I chuckled when she said that to me and I asked her why she wanted that.  She said,” because you are still very much in love. You still hold hands and hug, go out on dates and respect each other. I want a love like that.” I have to admit I was holding back some tears.

Love bears all things,believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things….Love Never Fails!

Summer Days!

Summer is going by so quickly.  Just a few more weeks before the kids head back to school and the lazy, hazy days of Summer come to an end.

I love Summer!  It’s a time of unwinding, vacationing, enjoying the beauty of nature and just chilling with family.   

It’s a time to unplug from technology and I’ve enjoyed that so much.  It’s freeing not to have to answer the phone or check social media sights for messages.  Making a deliberate effort to stay off the computer has been challenging since I do enjoy it so much.  However, hopping onto my bike, going for a hike, swimming at the beach, squishing my toes in the sand, skipping rocks across the water and soaking up a little sun has been much more rewarding and satisfying. 

All this enjoyment is also good for my health.  The exercise is keeping my body active and helping me burn some extra calories up.  Sweating is releasing toxins from my body and giving me a healthy glow.  Eating more fruit, salads and farmers market veggies is feeding my body the right kind of food and all the fresh air is helping to oxygenate my cells and lungs.

Heading outside now.  So much to see and do before Fall comes knocking at my door!