Archive | January 2017






Today is Friday, and a good day to consider what you are going to FUEL your body with in order to keep it strong, healthy, alive and energetic.  Choose foods that are full of “life” and not “dead”.  Steer clear of processed foods that are devoid of nutrients and enjoy luscious fruit and vegetables packed with life giving energy.  Your body will love it and so will you when you have enough energy to enjoy the weekend.


Remember to put yourself first when it comes to your health.  No one is responsible for what you eat, or how much exercise you do.  YOU are IMPORTANT, and taking care of yourself today will benefit you in years to come.  Keep the promise you made to yourself to be the best you that you can be.  Oftentimes, we sacrifice our health and our needs for the needs of others.  When we give so much of ourselves we are left depleted of energy and no good to anyone.  Take charge of your life today.


Keep track of your food intake, weight, measurements and watch the progress you are making.  In times when you plateau, or don’t feel motivated you can look at how far you have come.  It’s a great motivator to see that you have accomplished much.   A good perspective is to recognize that your body is transforming and rejuvenating daily.  Old cells are being replaced by new ones constantly.  E.g. Skin replaces itself approximately every 27 days.  So even if you aren’t losing a ton of weight, you are eating healthy and making your skin look great.  Get your glow on!!


Nurture your mind with great thoughts!  All too often we feed our minds with negative thoughts.  These negative thoughts can have a direct effect on how we feel about ourselves and how we act.  Instead, replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.  Encourage yourself and cheer yourself on.  You are special, you are loved, you were created for a divine purpose.


Take time out of your day to EXERCISE.  Not only does it enhance your mood by flooding your body with “endorphins” (those feel good hormones), it helps drain your lymphatic system from toxins.  Your heart gets stronger, your muscles develop and you feel great.  Keep track of your resting heart rate and see it improve over time.  Check online to see where your RHR is now and aim for Good, Excellent, and even for Athlete.


When you get out of bed in the morning stretch.  Get those muscles limber.  Stretch before and after working out.  The more you stretch the more flexible you will be, and the less injury you will sustain to your muscles.  It only takes a few minutes, but it is well worth it.


Try to get a good SLEEP.  We have all heard that sleep is important to our overall well- being, but it is oftentimes hard to achieve.  Sleeping will give our bodies a chance to renew and refresh us.  Choose foods high in tryptophan for your evening meal as it is known to induce a calming effect, and make you feel sleepy.

Have a terrific weekend!  Stay focused, have fun, aim to be a Fitter you!


T’was the Month after Christmas!

Found this little poem, and thought it was quite cute!  It has been nearly a month since Christmas, and most of us are back to our regular routines. Many of us are trying to stick with our New Year’s Resolutions.

Hopefully, the numbers on the scales are creeping down and you feel healthier and leaner than you did a few weeks ago.  Many people are battling colds and the flu, which can slow down the process, but stick with it.  Spring is around the corner and it will be time to look FAB-U-LOUS!  Be true to yourself, keep the promises that you have made to be a better healthier you and remember, if you fall off, it’s not a fail.  It’s a small detour, and you can pick yourself back up and start over again.

T’was the month after Christmas and all through the house
Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.

The cookies I’d nibbled, the eggnog I’d taste.
All the holiday parties had gone to my waist.

When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).

I’d remember the marvelous meals I’d prepared;
The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,

The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese

As I dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt
And prepared once again to do battle with dirt—

I said to myself, as I only can
“You can’t spend a winter disguised as a man!”

So–away with the last of the sour cream dip,
Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip

Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
Till all the additional ounces have vanished.

I won’t have a cookie–not even a lick.
I’ll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

I won’t have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie,
I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a bore—
But isn’t that what January is for?

Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!And the way I’d never said, “No thank you, please.”

A Promise to Yourself

Make a promise to yourself to be the best YOU that you can be this year!

When I say promise, I mean a commitment that is binding.

When I make promises to others I do everything in my power to keep them.  Therefore, when I make a promise to myself it should be even more important to keep. Yet, I find myself breaking it so easily. Perhaps, it’s because I place too much importance on other commitments instead of mine.

It’s time to honor me, and respect the promises I have made to myself.

I am worth the promise, and so are you!


Teaming Up 4 Success

Journeying alone while you are trying to lose weight, eat healthy or develop a consistent exercise program etc. can be tough.  Oftentimes, motivation waivers and momentum stalls.

However, if you have a partner, or a group of people that have the same goals and interests there will be support when someone waivers or falls short of their goals.

A few days ago, I watched a program where the wife wanted to lose weight but had emotional roadblocks along the way.  Through the encouragement of her partner, and team effort, she was able to reach her weight loss goal.  The result was success for her and a benefit for her spouse, who, in the process, lost weight, built muscle and learned how to eat properly.

It may take some effort to find someone to team up with, but inspiration and motivation will keep you on track and accountable as you try to live a healthy lifestyle.

Joining a gym, finding a local cycling or walking group, taking up a yoga/spin class or joining an online weight loss/exercise group or even asking a friend to share in your journey, and keep you accountable, are great ways to reach success.


 “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow”. (Ecclesiastes 4:9,10)

It’s a Fish Kinda day!

salmon-picI can’t say that I am very fond of fish, in fact, I would say for the most part, I avoid it at all costs.

Growing up fish was either from a can (tuna) or covered in batter (halibut with chips).  Once in a while Dad would make a white sauce with parsley to enhance some pan-fried fish that Mom would make.  This is the only way I enjoyed fish and ate it.

When I met my husband’s family for the first time they served broiled salmon with a wedge of lemon with green beans and rice.  Not wanting to make a fuss I managed to wash it down with several glasses of apple juice.

Fast forward to present day, you will now see tins of tuna and red salmon in the pantry shelf along with frozen salmon fillets in my freezer.  Yes, somehow I succumbed to the pressure of eating more fish.  After reading many articles and books about the health benefits of fish(heart health, brain food, eye improvement, skin enhancer etc.) I decided it was worth introducing it as part of our family meal plan.

At first, I tried hiding the fish in casseroles, and cream cheese pates but little by little I began to enjoy the flavor of it and no longer need to “hide it”.  Today, not only do  I enjoy eating fish, I enjoy catching fish and eating them!  A few of my favorites are perch, sunfish, bass and even catfish (I know, right?).

If you are not a big fan of fish, give it a try!  Your body will love you for it! Bon Appetit!
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New Year, New Resolutions!

It’s been some time since I blogged.  For the better part of 2016 I was caring for my mother, who had a stroke.  Thankfully, my sister and I were able to share the journey together, as we nursed mom back to health and strength once again.  She has recovered beautifully, and we are grateful that she is able to function well again.

With that being said, a New Year is here and I am hoping to get back on track.

Cleansing has started this week with Greens+, lemon water/spring water, herbal teas, fresh juice (made with my juicer), and warm soup and broths.

Low impact exercise is keeping things moving and agile.  Jumping on the mini trampoline is helping drain the lymphatic system.

Feeling alive once again, and looking forward to seeing that healthy glow on my face too.

Life is a journey, there are good times, and some difficult times.  After the storm comes the promised rainbow from God.  For that I am very grateful.

Hoping this year fills your heart with gratitude, healthy habits, focus and determination to be the best you, that you can be.   Let the journey continue…….